Minggu, 30 September 2012

Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of an Allergy

What is Allergy?

An allergy or hypersensitivity reaction is an exaggerated immune response that develops after exposure to a particular antigen (foreign substance to our body) that occurs in susceptible individuals (genetically) and previously sensitized.


Main agents causing allergy or hypersensitivity:

Mites and cockroaches
Mold (fungi)
Epithelium (skin) and the animal (cats and dogs)
Fungal spores and pollen from flowers


Cow milk
Fish and seafood
It manifests with lesions and severe itching. In some cases, can be very serious, affecting the whole body.


The allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, known as allergic rhinitis, can occur repeatedly. Its main causes are inhalant allergens such as dust mites and domestic.


Asthma is a disease accompanied by allergic inflammation of the airways. It is also known as allergic bronchitis or asthmatic bronchitis. It is mainly caused by:

Allergens and irritants
Airway infections
Exercise inappropriate
Gastroesophageal reflux
Medications and foods
Emotional causes, such as anxiety

Allergic conjunctivitis is the most common allergy causing irritation, redness, itching and watering of the eyes.


Main symptoms of asthma:

Feeling of "tightness" or heaviness in the chest ("chest stuck")
Shortness of breath or fatigue
Cough, which may be accompanied by elimination of secretion (white goo)
Main symptoms of allergic rhinitis:
Repeated sneezing
Runny liquid and abundant
Nasal itching insistent (or itch also the eyes, ears, palate and throat)
Nasal mucosa congested and clogged nostrils
Eyes red, irritated, itchy and watery
Sense of dripping secretion by back of the nose, which can cause persistent cough and hoarseness
Amendment of smell and taste
Chronic cough night
Repeated ear infections

It is important to see a medical specialist, who will investigate the causes of allergy and recommend remedies best suited to control the disease.

Possible Complications

Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. It is a severe allergic reaction that causes impairment of the entire body; Difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness; Till death if not treated immediately.

Living and Prognosis

Tips for a healthy home:

Ventilation: keep windows open during the day. Do not be afraid: wind does not hurt
Furniture: The furniture should be simple, with smooth edges and easy cleaning
The cleaning: it should be made daily, with water, soap and cleaning products suitable. Avoid products with odor active as those derived from ammonia. Preventing also use mops and mop and vacuum filters have not to retain very small particles
Mattresses and pillows: replace pillows once a year and prefer models with foam-piece. Avoid feather or flakes. Encasing mattresses and pillows with special covers against mites and change the bedding weekly.

Senin, 10 September 2012

What to Know About Bee Propolis

Bee Propolis is found in the hives of bees, which serves to fortify the hive and prevent any harmful bacteria or elements from entering. It is also known to seal any entrance ways to improve ventilation and stability of the hive during harsh environmental conditions. In cases wherein bacteria or dead animal particles inhibit growth of bacteria within the hive, the bees enclose dead animal particles or carcasses using Propolis to prevent any bacterial growth which may affect the colony. The resinous component of Propolis acts as sealant.

The early uses of Propolis dates back to the 350 BC, which was then used as treatment for abscess and wounds. It was also discovered as a great relief when applied on burns. In the 20th century, it later on attracted the interest of medical and research groups, which led to its popularity and marketability as food and alternative medicine. Many have discovered that it has rich active ingredients called flavonoids. This ingredient is known to be an anti-oxidant that has anti-allergic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Flavonoids are also popular due to its capacity to inhibit tumor growth and prevent cancer development.

Today, Propolis is collected by beekeepers and manufactured to create health products such as supplements in the form of tablets and capsules, as well as ointment, cream, and cosmetics. This ingredient is also used as dental anti-plaque in the form of toothpastes and chewing gum. Its anti-microbial ingredients act as prevention of oral diseases and plaque buildup. When applied topically on wounds and burns, Bee Propolis creams and ointments are known to have skin-healing properties. Even some brands sell this as a soap to be used daily to achieve beautiful and flawless skin. However, there are reported side effects of excessive use of ointments, creams and soaps. Some experience allergic reactions to certain products.

As a supplement, Bee Propolis is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals that help strengthen an individual's immune system and boost overall health. The popularity of this supplement is due to anti-cancer ingredients. Some studies even show that Propolis can cure infections and viruses including the dreaded H1N1, swine flu, and other fungal and bacterial infections.

Despite, the many benefits and uses of natural Bee Propolis that can improve one's health and well-being, people must always make good judgments and informed decisions when buying health products. With the many brands and kinds of health products marketed in stores and online today, one has to trust only in reliable names and manufacturers. Also, consult a medical professional for guidance. Moreover, supplements are not alternatives or substitutes to prescribed medicine. Be guided accordingly.

Rewriting the Past in Order to Heal

I was reading a book when I was in Spain by my favourite (at the moment!) author - William Boyd. It's set just before and during the First World War, and at the beginning of the story, the hero is in Vienna, where he is having psychotherapy from a pupil of Freud's. And seeing how this unfolded in the narrative, I was struck by a similarity in approaches between what is described in this novel, and some of the energy healing work I do.

The hero is treated by a technique called "parallelism." Basically, the person receiving the treatment talks about aspects of their lives, and the therapist is able to see that there may have been some trauma that led to the particular issue the client is coming to see them about. The therapist then invites the client to "reconstruct" the traumatic event so that those few minutes / hours become as they would like them to have been. Over weeks of therapy sessions, the client, at the suggestion of the therapist, fills in more and more details so that in time their minds believe this new "parallel" reality. (That at any rate is how I understood it from the novel - I may be doing the technique an injustice.) Anyway, it cured our hero!

And I was thinking of some of the healing work that I do that focuses on healing traumatic events in the past energetically. A good example of this is inner child work. In an inner child healing session, I would guide the client back to a time in their life where they experienced something difficult, for example continuing criticism, or being shouted at. (Please note that with really traumatic events, there are ways of working that mean there is no need to go back to the trauma itself in order to release it.)

From the position of the child, they are then able to say what they weren't able to say at the time, including the way the adult's behaviour made them feel. This can be enormously healing and liberating. Once the client-child has had a chance to say what they couldn't say at the time, and feel the emotions that they couldn't feel at the time, I invite them to say what they actually needed from the adult at that time. Typically, it is love, affection, a sense of being seen and heard. And I invite their adult selves to give their child-self a hug, some love, a sense of being listened to.

So, there are similarities between the 2 approaches: in both approaches, it is recognised that a past event is causing us discomfort, or even illness in the present time. In both approaches, in different ways, we go back to that time in the past, and are given a chance to "reinvent" the past energetically. This releases energy that was held in in the past, and so leads to healing and more physical and emotional wellness.

A major difference in the two approaches is the length of time that the work takes (which makes sense - we are talking about nearly one hundred years ago in the novel I was reading!) Often, one inner child healing session can "clear" a very difficult event in the past, and completely alter someone's present day experience. In the novel, the hero appeared to be having sessions over weeks or even months. It also seems as though the "parallelism" approach goes further in "rewriting" events. In the inner child healing, we are given a chance to express what couldn't be expressed at the time, and therefore interpret the events in the past differently, whereas the "parallelism" approach deliberately recreates a more "pleasing" past.

Well... I found all of this really interesting... even if it was only an event in a novel! And if you're interested too, you could read my blog posts about inner child healings, and my post about the difference between energy healing and psychotherap

Minggu, 02 September 2012

